The Power of Peers

David Rippe, CEO, Celestia International

As any business owner or entrepreneur knows, it’s lonely at the top. Very lonely. Being the leader of an organization, regardless of its size, is a thankless job. Leaders are confronted with an endless stream of issues from employees, customers, regulators, and competitors. Often, these problems are overwhelming.

The downside of all this pressure is a feeling of isolation with no one to confide in, working too many hours trying to outrun the tsunami of challenges, an inability to find work-life balance, and stress that causes one to wake up in the middle of the night.

While other executives also feel their share of stress no one bears the burden like an owner or CEO. There are sensitive topics that just can’t be shared with your team due to political factors, privacy issues, or other considerations.

All is not lost. There is a powerful proven solution that can help. Peer-to-peer executive advisory boards. A board provides a supportive, collaborative, and confidential advisory community focused on members helping each other succeed. You become part of an elite group of business owners, presidents and CEOs who help each other become more focused, more strategic, more effective—and more profitable.

As a board member, you can speak openly and candidly about the challenges you face with the assurance that everything remains completely confidential. Executive leaders share their experiences, ideas and creativity directly with you.

People who belong to a peer-peer advisory board share a common characteristic—they realize that they can’t possibly know everything and are open to the thoughts, experiences, and advice of others. This insight is a competitive advantage for any business leader. 

“It’s a small investment in money and time,” states Kevin Minton, CEO of peer-to-peer advisory company Chief Executive Boards International (CEBI), “which provides a high ROI and a dozen other benefits.”

As a facilitator and coach for Chief Executive Boards International I can attest firsthand to the powerful impact that participation has on a business. You get access to a strong network of proven trusted advisors that allows you to:

  1. Make faster, better decisions
  2. Save tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of wasted effort by avoiding unnecessary mistakes
  3. Mitigate risk
  4. Function with higher confidence
  5. Have a welcome outlet for your most difficult challenges
  6. Grow profitably

The list of leaders with high praise for executive peer-to-peer groups is lengthy. Tim Gase, president Peerless Saw Company said, “Since buying the company we have nearly doubled our revenue and more than tripled the value of the business. Much of this success is directly attributed to the best practices shared from other CEBI members over the years.  CEBI has literally changed my life and helped me reach financial goals I never thought possible.”

How does it work?

Local boards meet four to six times a year for lively problem-solving sessions that give each member the advice and confidence to get their businesses running the way they want. Other peer groups tend to meet more often, but the highest complaint we hear from business leaders is a lack of time for monthly peer meetings, which is why CEBI landed on a quarterly cadence. Every session delivers seasoned, experienced, decision support available from no other source. You’ll build lasting business and personal relationships that will help make your business stronger—and grow your bottom line.

Beyond the insights shared, the smart decisions made, the wisdom gained, and the camaraderie formed, peer-to-peer executive forums like CEBI offer additional opportunities for growth including national summits, retreats, workshops, and webinars—all designed to take your organization to the next level.

So, if you’re tired of high-levels of stress, sleepless nights, and the isolation associated with being a leader, you should consider joining a peer-to-peer executive advisory board.

David Rippe is a strategic consultant and growth expert who works with CEOs and C-Suite executives. He has assisted over 500 hundred companies generate $1.5 billion in revenue. David provides clear insight and alignment with a “wherever it leads, whatever it takes” approach to ensure his clients’ success.

He can be reached at or 513-253-4854.