Success ExPress


Foolproof Decision Making

Foolproof Decision Making

Poor decision making can lead to costly mistakes. Some of those mistakes are whoppers costing companies millions, even billions, of dollars. In fact, the Harvard Business Review estimates bad decisions cost U.S. businesses $1.3 trillion annually. That’s a mountain of money. The obvious question for you is; how much is bad decision-making costing your firm?

The Power of Peers

The Power of Peers

As any business owner or entrepreneur knows, it’s lonely at the top. Very lonely. Being the leader of an organization, regardless of its size, is a thankless job. Leaders are confronted with an endless stream of issues from employees, customers, regulators, and competitors. Often, these problems are overwhelming.

8 Reasons Why Some Teams Don’t Produce

8 Reasons Why Some Teams Don’t Produce

There are many reasons why important projects implode, but there is one culprit that is almost always the reason for the failure—the team itself. So, why do some teams fail while others succeed? Let’s look at 8 key reasons.

Daily Huddle

Daily Huddle

One of the most powerful and effective ways to get your teams in alignment and operating on the same page is to conduct short, daily huddles. Yes, I know you’re thinking “ugh, not another meeting” (I feel the same way about meetings too), but I am confident if you use this format daily for two weeks, you will never go back to your old management method.